Date Wed, Feb 28, 2024

The UAE’s professional licensing exams for teachers of various subjects are an important tool in evaluating and qualifying teachers and improving the quality of education in the UAE. This includes teachers of Arabic and English, biology, chemistry and physics, mathematics, computer science, computer science, technology and design, social studies, business administration, science, physical and health education, and religious education. Registration for professional licensing exams is important to ensure the improvement of the development of teachers’ professional skills and knowledge in these different subjects.

Qualification Guides for Chemistry Teachers

To work as a chemistry teacher in the UAE, teachers must obtain a UAE Teaching Professions License. To obtain this license, teachers must pass the Teaching Professions Test. This test consists of 120 questions and is 3 hours long. The topics covered in the Chemistry Teacher Qualification Test include a wide range of topics such as organic and inorganic chemistry, biochemical analysis methods, acid-base, quantification, and thermochemistry.

One of the most important characteristics that the test must have is: The teacher should be fully aware of the following:

Principles of chemistry include understanding, comparing and applying the following concepts:

  • Units of measurement
  • Significant Figures
  • the heat
  • Article classification
  • scientific method
  • Uncertainty Measurements
  • Dimensional analysis
  • Density

Inorganic Chemistry To understand, compare and apply the following concepts:

  • Atomic composition
  • chemical bond
  • Gases
  • Solutions
  • periodic table
  • Chemical calculations
  • Liquids and solids
  • Acids and bases

Physical Chemistry To understand, compare and apply the following concepts:

  • Thermochemistry
  • Electrochemistry
  • chemical equilibrium
  • Chemical Kinetics
  • Thermodynamics

Organic Chemistry to understand, compare and apply the following concepts:

  • Saturated hydrocarbons: alkanes
  • Aromatic hydrocarbons
  • Alcohol
  • Aldehydes and ketones
  • Carboxylic acids
  • Strains
  • Unsaturated hydrocarbons: alkenes and alkynes
  • alkyl halides
  • Ethers
  • Amines
  • Polymers
  • Organic reactions

Analytical Chemistry To understand, compare and apply the following concepts:

  • Experimental measurements
  • Micro-techniques: pH
  • Spectral analysis
  • Safety principles
  • Determine physical properties
  • Qualitative analysis of inorganic ions
  • Hazardous chemicals

Nuclear Chemistry To understand, compare and apply the following concepts:

  • Nuclear fission
  • Uses of radioactivity
  • radioactive decay
  • Nuclear transformation
  • Nuclear fusion

Eligibility criteria for physics teachers in the UAE To work as a physics teacher in the UAE, you must pass the UAE Teaching Professions Test for Physics. This test consists of a variety of topics related to physics, as follows:

  • Advanced Mechanics Understanding of Testing in Translational Motion, Rotational Motion and Fluid Mechanics.

  • Mathematical Physics The candidate must be able to use mathematical and analytical methods to explain and describe the behaviour of systems in physics in scientific terms.

  • To have the ability to describe and write the measurement with

  • Significant figures.

  • To be able to estimate numerical values ​​of different quantities and classify them.

  • Able to adjust physical quantities, add and subtract approximate values, analyze vectors.

  • Demonstrate a deep understanding of various physical techniques.

  • Analyzing data to reach scientific results and interpretations.

  • The test taker must be able to follow the scientific method of making basic physical measurements, analyzing them and writing them in appropriate units of measurement.

  • To be able to perform dimensional analysis of various physical equations.

  • Able to collect measurements, represent them graphically, analyze them, and calculate the percentage of error.

  • The test taker must have an understanding of static electricity, electric current, and magnetism.

  • Demonstrate an understanding of all phenomena and applications related to static electricity.

  • Understand the description of electric charges in AC circuits in terms of properties and applications.

  • Analysis and interpretation of phenomena and properties related to electric charges.

  • Understanding the concepts of magnetism and the magnetic phenomena associated with it.

  • Able to understand waves, optics, modern physics and some required mathematical skills such as arithmetic, algebra, trigonometric functions, integration and decomposition.

Qualification Guides for Mathematics Teachers

These are important requirements for teachers who wish to teach mathematics in UAE schools. These guidelines include passing the Teaching Professions Test , which requires teachers to demonstrate their in-depth knowledge of various mathematics subjects. These sections may differ between primary school teachers and middle and secondary school teachers. The sections include the characteristics of teacher tests for grades 3-8:

Domain 1: Number and Quantity

  • Number systems installation, including:

Mechanical value concepts; ordering relations, relations by operations, multiple representation of numbers, factors and divisors, prime and composite numbers, prime factorization, and properties of number systems.

  • Operations on healthy numbers, rational numbers, percentages, and ratio and proportion relationships, including:

Order of operations, identity elements and inverses (associative, commutative and distributive properties, absolute value, multiple representations of numerical operations, analysis of algorithms for addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division of integers and rational numbers, number operations and their inverses.

  • Applications on integers, fractions, percentages, and ratio and proportion relationships, including:

Life applications using number systems, average rate of change; and using expectation to check the logic of solutions to mathematical problems.

  • The composition of the real number system, including:

Rational and irrational numbers and operations on them, properties of real numbers, operations and their inverses, real number line, roots and exponents; laws of exponents; scientific notation; using properties of numbers to prove theorems.

Field 2: Algebra, including:

  • Patterns of numbers, geometric shapes, or tabular data; symbolic expression; patterns resulting from functions; finite and infinite sequences and series.

  • Understand the concept of variables; find the value of algebraic traces for given values ​​of variables; the relationship between computational algorithms and algebraic operations; express direct and inverse relationships.
  • Difference between functions and relations; types of functions, generation and manipulation of curves; properties of functions and relations.
  • Relationship between linear models and rate of change; Direct; Graphs of linear equations; Slope and line intercepts; Equation of a straight line; System of linear equations and inequalities; Modeling using linear functions and systems.
  • Solving quadratic equations and inequalities; real and complex roots of quadratic equations; maximum and minimum problems; and modeling using quadratic relationships, functions, and systems.

  • Exponential growth and decay; inverse variations; modeling using rational functions; absolute value functions; and numerical solutions of exponential functions.

  • Field 3: Engineering and Measurement

  • Euclidean geometry composition, including:

Understand the nature of axiomatic systems; terminology, theorems, and postulates of Euclidean geometry and undefined limits; relationships between points, lines, rays, angles, and planes; conditions for congruence of triangles; similarity of triangles, and geometric constructions.

  • Two-dimensional shapes, including:

Relationships between triangles, quadrilaterals, and other polygons; identification of given plane figures in terms of properties of sides, angles, and diagonals; Pythagorean theorem; relations of a right triangle; arcs, angles, and sectors of polygons and circles; area of ​​composite figures; modeling and solving problems involving two-dimensional figures.

  • Three-dimensional shapes, including:

Relationship between area and volume in three-dimensional shapes, perspective drawings, and projections; cross sections including conic sections and grids; deriving properties of three-dimensional shapes from two-dimensional shapes.

  • Coordinate and transformational geometry, including:

Representing geometric shapes in the coordinate plane, concepts of distance, midpoint, slope, parallelism and perpendicularity of lines to classify and analyze shapes, translation, rotation, reflection and dilation, transformations in the coordinate plane, and using transformational geometry to prove and solve problems.

  • Concepts and procedures associated with measurement, including:

Use appropriate units of measurement, unit conversions within and between systems of measurement; solve problems involving length, area, volume, mass, capacity, density, time, temperature, angles, rate of change, problems involving similar plane figures and indirect measurements, the effect of changing linear dimensions on measurements of length, area, or volume, and the effect of measurement error and rounding on calculated quantities.

Field 4: Statistics and Probability

  • Charts, graphs and tabulated data, determining appropriate sampling and data collection methods.

  • Statistical measures, including variance, frequency distributions, data transformations affected by measures of centrality and variability, interpretation of correlation, and issues involving the linear regression model.

  • Representing the expected outcomes of a probability situation; counting strategies, calculating theoretical probabilities of simple and compound events.

The characteristics of the UAE Education Professions Tests for Mathematics for grades 9-12 include:

  • Number and quantity

Structure of number systems, place value, ordering relationships, relationships between operations, multiple forms of numbers, absolute value, integers and rational numbers, ratio and proportion.

  • Real and Complex Number Systems

Rational and irrational numbers, various forms of complex numbers, properties of real and complex number systems, operations on complex numbers, laws of exponents, roots and exponents of real and complex numbers, factors and divisibility, prime and complex numbers, analysis of prime numbers, Euclid's algorithms, congruence groups and modular arithmetic, fundamental theorem of arithmetic.

  • Algebra

Numerical, geometric or tabular patterns, symbolic expression, patterns resulting from functions, recursive functional relations, Pascal's triangle and the binomial theorem, finite and infinite series and sequences, functions and relations and differences between them, functions represented by more than one base, composite and inverse, graphs of functions and their transformations, graphs of linear functions

  • Algebra applications

  • Properties of matrices and determinants, solving linear systems using matrices, geometric and algebraic properties of vectors, properties of space vectors, representation of linear transformation using matrices, quadratic functions and relations, simplifying quadratic expressions, real and complex roots of equations, maximum and minimum problems, modeling using quadratic relations, functions and systems, limits, rational and radical functions, absolute value and relations, exponential and logarithmic functions and relations

    • Measurement and engineering

    Structure of Euclid's geometry, axiomatic systems, undefined limits, postulates and theorems, postulates of angle and distance measurement, properties of planes and perpendicular and parallel lines, properties and theorems of circles, two- and three-dimensional bodies, special relations of the right triangle, perspective drawings and projections, coordinates and transformational geometry, polar and Cartesian coordinates, three-dimensional coordinate systems, translation, rotation, reflection.

    • Statistics and Probability

    Data and descriptive statistics, graphical and tabular representation, identification of appropriate sampling and data collection techniques, design of statistical experiments, frequency distributions, effect of data transformation on measurement of centrality and variance, interpretation of correlation, probabilities of simple and compound events, simulation for probability analysis, random variables and probability distributions.

    • Trigonometry, calculus and discrete mathematics

    Properties of sets, counting techniques, finite differences, financial mathematics, recurring patterns and relationships, recurrence of operations, properties of matrices, finite graphs and charts, law of sines and cosines, properties and graphs of trigonometric functions and their inverses, trigonometric identities, Differentiation and integration limits, limits of algebraic functions, limits of infinite sequences and series, continuous and discontinuous functions, the relationship between the secant line and the average rate of change of a function, differentiation and integration differentiation.

    Qualification Guides for Early Childhood Teachers

    Good early childhood education qualifications are essential to providing quality education to children in the UAE. These guidelines require passing the UAE Teaching Professions Examination in Primary Education, which includes:

    • Academic skills

    Reading and writing skills in Arabic for those who study most of the different subjects in Arabic, or English for those who study most of the different subjects in it, or the language preferred by the teacher for the test.

    • Good knowledge of numeracy skills, and the teacher's knowledge should include the basic principles of early education, including the child's development and educational, social and emotional needs.
    • The teacher must have effective communication skills with children, parents, guardians and co-workers. Must be able to communicate in an understandable, friendly and patient manner.
    • Be able to plan and implement diverse and organized educational activities. Must be able to prepare lessons and prepare educational materials effectively.

    • The test also includes an assessment of the teacher's ability to manage the classroom and deal with a multicultural and multi-needs educational environment.

    • A teacher must be able to employ creativity and critical thinking in teaching and develop innovative teaching strategies to meet the needs of students.
    • The teacher must demonstrate a commitment to ethical values ​​in his dealings with children, co-workers, and the community in general.
    • The teacher must be proficient in using technology effectively to support education and communicate with parents and guardians.

    Finally, these specifications come as part of the educational professions licensing test to ensure the quality of education in these different subjects within the framework of developing the professional competence of teachers and specialists in the schools of the United Arab Emirates. Professional licensing tests are an essential tool for evaluating and qualifying teachers for the optimal practice of education, as registration in professional licensing tests aims to improve the quality of education and ensure the continuous development of the skills of teachers and specialists. Teachers can use the courses of the to obtain intensive training to solve these tests through the comprehensive, individual and direct courses of this platform.

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